Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's Happening Here

Rather than sitting on her iPhone or on her desks at home and at work, I've made this the place she or I can point people to if they want to check out her photos--those taken using the Hipstamatic app on her iPhone as well as actual, non-digital photos from her Polaroid and her Holga. After all, her steadfast refusal to enter the realm of Facebook and other such social web nonsense means it was up to me to create a space like this for her.

When I can get her to provide explanations of a photo's what/what/where/why/how, I will.  But don't hold yer breath.

Herewith are the photos taken so far--at least the Hipstamatic ones from her iPhone. Most were taken in our neighborhood, with a focus on street art--both paper-and-paste and from a can of spray paint. All of them were taken, I believe, within a pretty small radius of our apartment in Wiiliamsburg.  With regard to the street art, I'm partial to the fat man; for cool photo effects I like the photo taken in the subway.